Renting your home?
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Changes to the Application Form and Process: Following the release of Regulations by the Minister, there will be a new prescribed tenancy application form distributed by the Residential Tenancy Authority (RTA) to use from May 1. This form will have a prescribed list of questions. Information and Documents that can be requested from a prospective tenant/resident: • name and contact...
Upcoming Rental Law Changes from 1 May 2025 – What Property Owners Need to Know From 1 May 2025, new rental laws in Queensland will take effect, introducing changes to rental applications, property access rules, and tenant requests for fixtures or structural changes. These updates will affect how rental properties are managed and require adjustments to certain processes to remain complia...
Streamlined Maintenance Management with TAPI: How We Take Care of Your Investment Property At McAdam & Turnbull Realty, we understand that property maintenance is a critical aspect of protecting your investment and ensuring your tenants remain happy and comfortable. To simplify the process and provide unparalleled service, we use TAPI, an advanced maintenance management tool designed to st...
OPINION: As a property manager, I recognize that protecting tenants is crucial, but the Greens' proposal for a National Renters Protection Authority (NRPA) is an overreach that unfairly targets owners and real estate agents. While the idea of a watchdog to ensure rental properties are maintained properly sounds reasonable, introducing fines of up to $78,000 threatens to alienate the very peopl...
What to Expect When a Tenant Breaks Their Lease As an owner, it's important to understand your rights and obligations when a tenant terminates their lease before the lease end date, also known as "breaking the lease." Below is essential information about this process, including recent changes to Queensland tenancy laws. Reletting Costs Under the New Tenancy Laws As of September 30, 2024, Q...
Important Rental Law Changes in Queensland Starting September 30th 2024. The State Government in Queensland has announced a start date for more of the rental laws changes passed in Parliament earlier in the year. Some changes won’t start until May 2025 but let’s focus on the changes starting 30th September 2024. Rent Payment Methods: One of the key changes is regardin...
The Importance of the Form 1A Entry Condition Report in Tenancy Agreements At McAdam & Turnbull Realty, we prioritize the seamless and transparent management of rental properties, ensuring that both landlords and tenants are well-informed and protected. One of the essential tools in achieving this is the Form 1A Entry Condition Report. This document serves as a vital component in the renta...
Renting out property comes with a variety of challenges, from ensuring tenant satisfaction to maintaining the property’s condition. One often-overlooked but highly practical tool in rental properties is the humble door stop. While it may seem like a minor addition, door stops play a significant role in preserving property quality, enhancing tenant experience, and providing safety benefits...
Why We Recommend Setting Market Rent for Lease Renewals As property managers, we often receive questions from landlords about our recommendations on rental pricing. Comments like "They are good tenants; I don’t want to increase the rent," or "That’s too much—how did you arrive at that figure?" are common. While we understand the desire to maintain good tenant relationships, t...
The Importance of Professional Photography in Marketing Your Rental Property When it comes to renting out your property, first impressions are everything. High-quality photos can make the difference between attracting quality tenants and having your property sit vacant. Here’s why professional photography is an essential investment for landlords. Competing for Quality Tenants ...
Investing in property can be a rewarding venture, but it also comes with its challenges and complexities. To navigate these successfully, every landlord needs a reliable team of professionals. From managing finances to ensuring legal compliance, each member of this team plays a crucial role in safeguarding your investment. Here’s why you need an accountant, insurance broker, solic...
Update on New Rental Laws in Property Management and the Implications of the new rental laws start date. 6th June 2024! Introduction: Queensland investors have recently experienced some significant developments in Property Management due to new rental laws that were passed through our Parliament in May. These changes have brought about some challenges and adjustments for property mana...
12 month rent increase limits are now attached to the Queensland rental property. Qld rental laws have been amended to attach the 12-month rent increase limit to the property itself, not the tenant as was the previous law. This applies if the property is sold, a tenant on a 6-month lease moves out or a tenant on a 12-month lease breaks their lease during the current tenancy and even if the ...
The Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 has now been amended. Some changes start on Assent—this means as soon as signed by the QLD Governor. A snap shot of what starts now: Rent increases are limited to 12 months and are attached to the property—not the tenancy! Our general tenancy agreements will be updated to include a new section detailing the last re...
Exploring Rental Yields in Toowoomba Suburbs and Surrounding Towns Rental yield is a measure of the annual rental income as a percentage of the property's value. It helps investors determine the potential return on investment. A higher rental yield indicates a more profitable investment. Understanding the rental yields across different suburbs and property types can significantly enhance your...
How do I report maintenance as tenant with McAdam & Turnbull Realty If you have any emergency maintenance item – please phone 46392222 – even if after hours. If you have a routine maintenance repair request you can access our Tenant Concierge which will assist you to report maintenance via our TAPI maintenance program. You can either – use t...
What happens if I get locked out of my rental property with McAdam & Turnbull Realty? If you lose your keys or lock them inside the house, then the agency keys will be available to you to borrow if during our business hours. If it is outside our business hours and we happen to be in the office or nearby, you may still be able to borrow them. Thinking about this, if you owned ...
Committee Secretary Housing, Big Build and Manufacturing Committee Parliament House [email protected] We are owners of a Real Estate Agency in Toowoomba. Our agency has been in operation for 42 years and is a small family owned, independent agency. Lachlan has been licensed since 2003 and Bronwyn since 2007. During that time we have seen the real estate market in all of it&rsqu...
Let’s talk about getting ready for Minimum Housing Standards prescribed in the amendments to the Residential Tenancy and Rooming Accommodation Regulations 2009 and what actions are needed in rental properties. They commence for all new tenancies from 1st September 2023 and will apply to all from 1 September 2024. This means “lease renewals” from 1st September 2023 need ...
Tips to help get a yes on your pet application for renters in Toowoomba. Pets can be a wonderful addition to any household, but for renters in Toowoomba, the process of getting approval to keep a pet can be a little more complicated. With new laws in place since October 2022, there are certain steps that need to be followed to ensure a successful pet application. Here is what you need to know ...
Fast Facts: Tenant still must request approval in writing to have a pet at their rental Owner has 14 days to respond Owner can only refuse under prescribed grounds Some reasonable conditions can be added to the lease if pet is approved Pet damage is excluded from the definition of “fair wear and tear” and tenants must pay for damages Body corporate by-laws and council...
There are new rental laws coming on the 1st of October 2022. Here is a summary of what you need to know. I realise it is a lot of text to read. Other articles will deal with each issue in more depth. Ending A Tenancy (Where there is no breach of the tenancy) Changes have been made to the grounds under which a notice to leave can be given to end a tenancy agreement. Ther...
“I want THREE quotes please” When it comes to getting repairs done, it always pays to ensure you're getting the right price for work that needs to get done. However, if it’s for regular breakdown issues that are not high-ticket items, requesting three quotes can easily turn into a very expensive exercise, likely over and above what it will cost to get the job done. ...
FIVE COMPELLING REASONS NOT to Manage the Property Yourself Everyone wants to save some dollars when it comes to self-managing your own rental property as it seems (on the surface) simple enough! However, managing the property yourself will likely be more problematic and costly than if you hired a quality property manager. Here are FIVE COMPELLING REASONS why: 1- Pr...
FIVE Massive Mistakes Property Investors Make When it comes to renting a property for the first time, new Property Investors can make some big mistakes that can cost them dearly later on. So to help you make the right decisions upfront, here are FIVE MASSIVE mistakes to avoid: Don’t Choose Your Agent on Cheap Fees As the saying goes, cheap fees are for a reas...
EIGHT Different Ways to Detect a Bad Tenant Quality tenant selection is the most important function for any property investor, yet a bad tenant will never come along and announce that they’re trouble, at the tenancy application stage! Bad tenants dress well, are polite, and can look polished when you meet them. You need to look out for the warning signs carefully and always be ...
Five BIG Mistakes that Keep Your Property Vacant For Longer Let’s face it…you want to be able to rent out your property for the best rent, to the best tenant, in the shortest amount of time. Bad mistakes and unintentional wrong decisions can keep your property empty for longer costing you valuable rental income. Did you know that for every week your property is empty it ...
FIVE Property Marketing Blunders Quality Tenants Hate! When it comes to property marketing, 90% of the reason a good tenant shows interest in your property is because of what they see visually. So when it comes to presenting your rental property marketing right, you need to ensure it attracts a quality tenant right away, and not make mistakes that scare them off. Here are FIVE property marke...
TWELVE Things Quality Toowoomba Tenants Want The whole key to good property investment is having a good tenant (besides also having a good property manager!). Without being able to attract a good tenant can result in a whole world of disappointment, so when you’re looking for your next investment property you need to ensure it ticks all the boxes in being able to attract a...
SIX Irrefutable Reasons Why Toowoomba Investors Need Landlord Insurance Several times we hear “But why do I need landlord insurance when I have a property manager?” A simple answer is…for the same reason that you need building insurance in case a loss should occur from an unforeseeable event. Landlord Insurance protects you against unforeseen tenancy-related events...
Repairs: Who's responsible…and what is fair wear and tear? When it comes to renting your property there are some obligations on owners in relation to repairs that are covered by the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 but there is also tenant responsibilities for the property. As a property owner when it comes to property repairs, it’s good to know wh...
It’s fair to say that a successful tenancy usually goes hand in hand with good cooperation between the tenant, property manager, and the home owner. Part of the mutual obligations include the tenant keeping the property clean and to an acceptable standard, and the property owner undertaking regular maintenance and repairs as required. Regular scheduled property inspections are...
Over the years it’s common to see changes to legislation coming off the back of a major incident or tragic event. Governments are renowned for using tragedies as a trigger for law changes or to respond, albeit belatedly, to public pressure on a particular issue. In 2011, one such event triggered a major shift in legislation involving smoke alarms after the death of seven peopl...
It’s fair to say that nobody enters a tenancy agreement looking to have a dispute with the other party involved. Property owners want to find the right tenants for their homes with a good rental history, stable employment, consistent income, and a proven record of looking after rental property’s being key considerations. Tenants on the other hand look for well maintained...
It’s often said that buying a home is the biggest investment most people will make in their lifetime, as well as being a very exciting time! Whether you’re a first home buyer or a seasoned investor, there are a range of options available to finance your purchase. In addition to visiting a bank, more and more Australians are turning to the services of a mortgage broker to...
Finding a suitable tenant with a good rental history, stable income, and a desire to treat a property with respect doesn’t just happen through luck. Whilst it’s the goal of every property owner and their agent to find the right tenant, it’s good marketing and a professional screening process that delivers the right outcomes. McAdam & Turnbull Realty operate wi...
Over the course of any tenancy the personal circumstances of a tenant can (and often does) change. Loss of employment, change of work location, illness within families and other circumstances can lead to a tenant requesting the termination of a lease before its expiry date. However, simply requesting the termination of a lease isn’t necessarily going to lead to a successful ou...
In the world of property management the condition report is an important document that protects tenants and property owners. The property condition report is completed at the start of every new tenancy by the tenant and owner/agent noting the condition of the property, and documents any existing damage and the condition (state of repair) of the home (or unit), its fixtures, features, furn...
As a first home buyer there are a range of government incentives and fee discounts available to get into your first home. The most well known is of course the First Home Owners Grant (FHOG). The FHOG has been in place for a number of years and has experienced some significant changes over time as it evolved to meet the needs of first home owners. You may recall a time when the gran...
Whether you’re a first home buyer or a seasoned investor adding to their portfolio, finding the right property, negotiating a fair deal and securing the sale is always an exciting time! However, finding the property and signing a contract is only the first of many steps in the buying process. Where the transaction involves a home loan (and mortgage) there are a few more steps ...
Putting your signature on a contract is an exciting time and the start of a very structured process that leads up to settlement day. From the time of signing a contract to finance approval things seem to take forever. Then once finance is approved and/or the contract becomes unconditional your ‘to do’ list will explode with a range of tasks needing to be finalised before...
Buying a property often involves a lifestyle choice. Is it to be a house with a yard for the kids to play in and explore, or perhaps a unit or townhouse are the preferred options due to smaller space, lower cost, location and maintenance benefits. If the later wins the day and you purchase a property in a complex you’re now entering the world of the Body Corporate and ‘Commun...
Make no mistake, buying an investment property is a business decision! Whilst the purchase of your own residence is more personal and emotion can impact on the final outcome, investment properties are about making money whether through rental income, capital growth or both. This business approach to buying property means thinking about more than location and individual home features...
The decision to sell an investment property can come about for a variety of reasons, either personal or business. The owner may want to sell and use the available cash for any number of personal reasons, or it may be part of their overall investment strategy to reinvest in another property or investment medium. Sometimes it can be as simple as being the right time to sell in that lo...
Deciding to sell a home is a big decision for any person. Whether it’s a desire for a bigger home, a better location, or due to a change in job location, there’s more to it than just engaging the real estate agent. When it comes to selling property, presentation is key, and in that regard it’s no different to any other product for sale. Consider the modern je...
In our last blog we explored the important considerations behind buying a home. Location, budget, borrowing limits and property features being some of them. This week it’s all about the costs! Knowing the range of costs will help you work out a suitable budget which in turn will influence the deposit needed and the size of any loan. After all it’s important to ensu...
Location – Location – Location! It’s a phrase we often hear when people talk about the key strategies to buying property. There are even TV shows by that title who advise home buyers on securing a great deal and the perfect property, despite the shows entertainment focus. However, location isn’t the only consideration, with budget, borrowing limits and prope...
In the days when property management services were in their infancy it was common for the work to be handled by real estate sales teams with agents often juggling both roles. There wasn’t a clear focus on property management being a specialised service in its own right, and that was often reflected in the service received by property owners and tenants alike. The world of rea...
We often talk about buying and selling property as being a time of mixed emotion, and nothing tipifies that more than making the decision to sell your home. The decision to list a property can eventuate for many different reasons. In some cases it’s due to a desire for a better home, a nicer location, or even due to a change in employment necessitating a move. In other c...
There is an element of excitement when buying property, and whether you’re a first home buyer or a seasoned investor there are many things to consider when taking the step into the world of property ownership. Where the purchase involves finance there are a few extra tasks before you secure that home loan and lock in a successful purchase. In today’s blog we&rsqu...
The property market is often said to operate in cycles, and whether it’s a boom, steady or contraction phase the property owner needs to adapt their investment strategy where necessary. Property ownership also involves different stages with many people entering as first home buyers, and then becomming renovators and ‘upgraders’. After building equity in their prope...
Whether you’re a first home buyer or someone looking to upgrade for some extra living space, buying property is often described as a time of mixed emotions, with many people saying it’s the biggest investment they will ever make. For some it’s a time of great excitement and others a time of nervous anticipation. According to McAdam & Turnbull Realty Principal ...
When Toowoomba people talk real estate around the BBQ the name McAdam & Turbull invariably comes up. With a history serving the Toowoomba community since 1980, and renowned local real estate identities Lachlan and Bronwyn Evans at the helm, Darling Downs buyers, sellers, landlords and tenants alike are assured of getting the right advice, personalised service, industry knowledge and attenti...