


In the world of property management the condition report is an important document that protects tenants and property owners.  The property condition report is completed at the start of every new tenancy by the tenant and owner/agent noting the condition of the property, and documents any existing damage and the condition (state of repair) of the home (or unit), its fixtures, features, furnishings (if applicable) and appliances. 

The condition report must be completed within defined time frames under Qld law.  At the conclusion of all tenancies an inspection is undertaken of the property to determine whether any damage has occurred that would be considered over and above normal fair wear and tear.  What defines wear and tear and how to discern between it and careless damage is the subject of another blog.  If you’re faced with that dilemma we encourage you to engage with your property manager as soon as possible. 

The property condition report protects both parties because it clearly sets out in writing the base condition of the property and its fixtures and features as at the time the tenant moves in.  Should a dispute arise during the tenancy or when the tenant moves out, the report can provide good evidence to either support or dismiss any allegations about damage. 

The property condition report doesn’t remove the responsibility of the owner to provide a well serviced home in good repair, nor does it abrogate the tenants responsibility to maintain it in good condition and not cause careless (or deliberate) damage. 

This blog is intended to give you a broad understanding of the clear benefits around a properly completed condition report.  We recommend all property owners engage productively with their property manager around issues of property damage and condition reports.  Our property management team led by Bronwyn Evans are focused on tailoring rental and tenancy solutions to meet your needs, and keep the experience as stress free as possible. 

McAdam & Turnbull Realty are your local real estate professionals and property management specialists in Toowoomba and nearby surrounds.  You can follow our Principal and agent Lachlan Evans at or view our current rental and sale listings at and LIKE us on Facebook @  

This publication covers real estate, property market, finance and legal related issues in a general way. It is intended for general information purposes only and should not be regarded as professional finance or legal advice. McAdam & Turnbull Realty recommends that professional legal and/or finance advice should be obtained before taking any action on the basis of the general information presented in this publication.

 Written and Published by